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Reunion 2013
Tillington Hall Hotel Stafford
Reunion 2013
Reunion 2013
Tillington Hall Hotel, Stafford - 25-27 October 2013
Reunion 2013
Ian Mac's cabin
Reunion 2013
Reunion 2013
Some of the lady’s with our IOWT rep Vanessa!!
Reunion 2013
Lofty, Pusser & John
Reunion 2013
The motley crew from the 65-67 era
Reunion 2013
Warwick & Jean Franklin
Reunion 2013
Steve Cable, Chris Smith, Peter de Carteret
Reunion 2013
Sally & Don Griffiths
Reunion 2013
Jean, Edith, Marilyn & Jean
Reunion 2013
Ready for big eats Fri night
Reunion 2013
Fri night casual dinner
Reunion 2013
Pussers decanter which was raffled and then auctioned
Reunion 2013
George Beattie receives his Pussers decanter from lady Kirstie [raffle/auction prize]
Reunion 2013
Pre diner wine reception
Reunion 2013
Jacqui Sanders & Sally Griffiths
Reunion 2013
Cadet Piping Party
Reunion 2013
Piping Party
Reunion 2013
Happy Harper & our great RNA friends
Reunion 2013
Fothers, Joe McCready, Sandy, Doug, Bonzo and Chas